Your Bliss

Session Awaits

Let's spend a couple of hours together and create an opportunity for to spend longer relaxing, being in your parasympathetic nervous (rest and digest) state of nothingness. Spending a smidge more time connecting with yourself, gaining a calmness and clarity of thought.

We will create a bespoke combination of

Reflexology, Facial Reflexology Therapy and Energy Healing for 2 whole hours of bliss.

£90 (Usually £120)


Four sessions available.

Offer valid until 6PM 01 March

Use code FEBPAYDAY for your offer on the next page


More information about each therapy can be found here:

Hi, I'm Lynn.

Holistic Coach & Therapist

Passionate, professional, caring, knowledgable, funny are some of the ways clients describe me in their feedback and reviews.

I'd tend to agree!

I absolutely love the work I get to do and so happy that it comes across. Doing what I do, being me. Walking and working with the path that presented itself nearly 20 years ago, when we lost Dad suddenly to bowel cancer.

Loving, living and learning. Experiencing this rollercoaster ride and playground that we call life. Navigating the wins, wobbles and everything in between.

The highs, the lows, falling off spectacularly and getting back up. Again and again and again.

I love life, and I love learning. The eternal student.

I am intuitive and take action confidently on inner wisdom, insights and nudges. My intutition goes by the name of Her Indoors. Sometimes, she shouts at me if I take too long to action the nudges.

I plonked an image of a baby on a vision board and two weeks later, conceived our daughter. Despite being discharged from our fertility consultant who shared we'd never have a family naturally because of my age. I was 44 when we had Olive.

I am embracing Menopause and all that comes with it. Transitioning into the next beautiful phase of my life. Giving less and less flying flip flops to the external factors in life, that I simply no longer want to give energy or time to.

My most used phrases are:

"No such thing as a coincidence".

"Thoughts become things - be careful what you wish for."

"If it's not a yes, then it's a no".

My path is support, guide and help. To Positively Affect Change in everything I think do and say.

I am Lynn. I love life, living and learning.

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