Do you find that you never have the time to relax or switch off?

Unable to get an in person appointment at a time convenient for you?

Want to relax in your own space but don't want anyone in your space?

Experience the dreaded Sunday night fear?

The Time To Relax is When You Don't Have The Time To Relax - Sidney J. Harris

Enjoy weekly Remote Group Energy Healing with me, every Sunday evening 8PM.

Hi, I'm Lynn.

Holistic Coach & Therapist

Passionate, professional, caring, knowledgable, funny are some of the ways clients describe me in their feedback and reviews.

I'd tend to agree!

I absolutely love the work I get to do and so happy that it comes across. Doing what I do, being me. Walking and working with the path that presented itself nearly 20 years ago, when we lost Dad suddenly to bowel cancer.

Loving, living and learning. Experiencing this rollercoaster ride and playground that we call life. Navigating the wins, wobbles and everything in between.

The highs, the lows, falling off spectacularly and getting back up. Again and again and again.

I love life, and I love learning. The eternal student.

I am intuitive and take action confidently on inner wisdom, insights and nudges. My intutition goes by the name of Her Indoors. Sometimes, she shouts at me if I take too long to action the nudges.

I plonked an image of a baby on a vision board and two weeks later, conceived our daughter. Despite being discharged from our fertility consultant who shared we'd never have a family naturally because of my age. I was 44 when we had Olive.

I am embracing Menopause and all that comes with it. Transitioning into the next beautiful phase of my life. Giving less and less flying flip flops to the external factors in life, that I simply no longer want to give energy or time to.

My most used phrases are:

"No such thing as a coincidence".

"Thoughts become things - be careful what you wish for."

"If it's not a yes, then it's a no".

"Because I can".

My path is support, guide and help. To Positively Affect Change in everything I think do and say.

I am Lynn. I love life, living and learning.

Do any of these sound familiar ?

Never seem to have the time to relax?

Work away or have fixed long hours, meaning you're unable to get an in person appointment?

Even when you do have a smidge of time, the thought of leaving your cosy home, driving, finding somewhere to park outweighs the benefits of a relaxing session.

You've heard people talk about Energy Healing or Reiki and find yourself interested in learning more.

You recognise that you put everyone else before yourself.

Then you're in the right place!

(And of course you've heard me say a milion times - there's no such thing as a coincidence)

Enjoy Remote Energy Healing every Sunday evening at 8pm.

No actual contact, no technology, links to click or internet to connect to.

Weekly email reminder with hints and tips to get the most from your session.

“Didn't know what to expect. After putting relaxing music on, Lynn's face popped up in front on me.”


Remote Energy Healing Client.

“I put some relaxing music on and I think I drifted off! But next day I felt more positive.”


Remote Energy Healing Client.

“I’m looking forward to next week.”


Remote Energy Healing Client.

“I felt an cool pink energy over my head.”


Remote Energy Healing Client.

"I recently connected with Lynn for a distance Reiki session. Over the course of a few days I felt her presence (I associated it with a rose-pink colour and an interesting ringing sound) and a message would pop through shortly after.

The ongoing support and feedback was a great comfort. Thank you!"

Lauren Jordan,

Remote Energy Healing Client.

"Even before Lynn said we were starting, I could feel her energy working through my body.

Afterwards I feel more energised and focussed".


Remote Reiki Client.

"I was open to having fully remote sessions as I had some experience of it prior, during lockdown. Plus I’m loving the hands on reflexology/reiki sessions, so if remote could help in between the sessions that would be a bonus.

Before I had the sessions I definitely felt in a rut. Low energy, feeling quite stuck and that I needed something to help.

I didn’t feel anything specific on the day of the session. Over the time period though I felt my mood lifting, calmer, more energy and more directoin. Like I was on a journey.

What was really amazing was what Lynn described when she sent the reiki. It really coincided with what I was feeling. Like she had seen in my head that was fascinatin. It definitely helped get me back on track and I’m convinced it helped me get over a throat infection quicker than normal.

I’d say just go for it. If you’ve met Lynn you’ll know there’s something amazing to be shared and benefit from.Just because it’s not logical, or doesn’t make sense, give it a go! You will be amazed".

Rebecca, Reflexology & Remote Reiki Client

How does remote Energy Healing work?

We all have the ability to tune into life force energy (Universal Energy). We do it without having to think about it. It's a natural law.

We can choose to amplify the connection with the energy through forms of Energy Healing.

I work with Reiki and Seichem energies. I see my role as a gardener, who helps to sort the twists, kinks and splits in the hose pipes that bring your Universal Energy to you and each of your Chakras. When the energy is flowing with ease, it can bring about a sense of peace, relaxed, renewed energies and much more.

To receive the energy, you simply allow yourself to relax in a comfortable, warm space.

What do I need to do?

Nothing. This is the beauty of fully remote work. A weekly email reminder will give you all the hints and tips to make the most from your session.

How much does it cost?

The monthly investment for founder members is £27, which is collected on a monthly subscription on the card you join with.

When is it?

I work with the intention for all to receive their energy healing from 8PM every Sunday evening.

I can't make a Sunday.

Absolutely no worries, we are working with aspects of ourselves that are not limited to time and space. As long as you intend and allow to receive the energy healing, it will reach you when you relax.

Can I cancel if it's not for me?

Absolutely. Drop me an email [email protected] I highly recommend trying a couple of months minimum to benefit from all chakras to be have been worked.

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