There Is Always Wisdom Within The Wobble
There’s always wisdom within the wobble.
I’ve recently recognised that I have been in varied states of overwhelm, fatigue and low mood. Generally, not being me. The me that I know and possibly the me that you know too.
The struggles were real, the perception of the struggles were real.
I actually considered throwing in the towel of running my own business, because it’s flipping hard at times. Every ounce, or should that now be gram of energy juggling the hat swapping roles that a business owner has.
Keeping up to date with the ‘rules’ of being on social media platforms. Updating the website, the accounts, the client care, the planning and strategy, the networking, doing the job. The list is endless and sometimes relentless.
Considering what actual ‘job’ I would do. Market Researcher felt quite appealing as I love people. It felt far from right though as I have created my dream job, working with people, supporting people. Doing what I am here to do.
Everyday, trudging through treacle, being upset at the smallest of things. Saying no to lots of things including things that I knew would be good for me.
Recognition is key here, being aware of how I was thinking and feeling. The opposite ‘blissfully’ unaware or not so blissful!
I looked outside. Looking for answers, looking for reasons. The first port of call would be the lunar cycle and of course there was a whopping Full Moon incoming (we’re in the peak as I scribe this). I blamed my hormones as I transition into the next phase of my life. Later Motherhood and Menopause, now there’s a book title.
I had actually forgotten to look inside rather than outside.
For a short time, I had forgotten about the coping tools toolbox. The journaling, being outside, tapping, talking, meditating, reflexing, resting. All the things.
Remembering to look inside, I chose to really sit with the wobble. I am a great reflector, a superb tuner-inner.
Phrases like ‘I can do hard things’, ‘this is a phase and too it shall pass’, ‘there’s wisdom in the wobble’, ‘remember when you wanted what you have now’ kept springing to mind. Most likely Her Indoors kept chirping in with them.
Whenever I could, I listened and watched self development and spiritual podcasts. Dr Joe Dispenza, Paul Selig, Pam Gregory gave me what I needed last week.
One thing was confirmed for me last week, I am the very proud owner of strong mental resilience. Even on the rougher, tougher days, there would be a glimmer of something to temporarily lift the funk. I will not take this for granted though as it is something to be worked on daily, exactly like our physical wellbeing.
I am asking myself why I am sharing all of this? …
Because I can. Yep, another most used phrase.
Life is a rollercoaster, we get to experience the highs, the lows and everything in between. Sometimes spectacularly falling off but always getting back on.
We are after all, a meat suit, glued to a spinning ball of rock, spinning round a huge glowing star. Within a vast area that is pretty much near impossible to compute in the think tank.
Something to remember this week - There is always wisdom in the wobble.
So, what next?
If you're reading this far, thank you. What can you take away from this share?
Wobbles are part of being a human.
Choice happens at the level of action. It's what you do rather than just think about that makes the change.
Create your own coping tools toolbox. I can support you with this. Reach out.
Write down what you are feeling, write it as a letter to a friend or different version of you. Read it out. Maybe record it and listen back as if you were listening to a friend.
Tap, I. Can. Do. Hard. Things https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3C7ku4oe8z/
Create affirmations that you love when you're feeling great. Pull them out when you're not so feeling so great.
Move your body, it will shift your energy.
Remember you've already got all of the answers within. Maybe the wobble is reminding you.