Yule. Twelve Days of Offerings. Extended for One Day. Ends midnight Sunday 05 January.

Day One. Twelve Days of Offerings.

On the first day of Yule, my Holistic Therapist gave to me, the opportunity to look after myself for a whole year. Enjoy a monthly 1.5 hours session of your choice - Reflexology, Facial Reflexology Therapy and Energy Healing. VIP access to the diary to grab first dibs on your appointments.

12x 1.5 Hours sessions - £997.00 (Usually £90 each session)

Click Here for Your Offer (Remember to use your offer code)


Use code DAYONE for your offer.

Sessions to be used by 31 Dec 2025 or forfeited.

Sessions can be gifted.

More session information can be found here Work With Me https://www.lynnbutler.me/

Day Two. Twelve Days of Offerings.

On the second day of Yule, my Holistic Coach gave to me 3 Blend sessions to look after my mind, body and soul. Enjoy a monthly 1.5 hours session of your choice - Holistic Coaching, Reflexology, Facial Reflexology Therapy and Energy Healing. VIP access to the diary to grab first dibs on your appointments.

3x 1.5 Hours sessions - £297 (Usually £150 each session)

Click Here for Your Offer (Remember to use your offer code)


Use code DAYTWO for your offer.

Sessions to be used within 3 months to be most beneficial.

Check out Blend sessions here https://www.lynnbutler.me/blend

Day Three. Twelve Days of Offerings.

On the third day of Yule, my Holistic Therapist gave to me the opportunity to look after myself for a whole year. Enjoy a monthly 1 hour session of your choice - Reflexology, Facial Reflexology Therapy and Energy Healing. VIP access to the diary to grab first dibs on your appointments.

12x 1 Hour sessions - £647 (Usually £60 each session)

Click Here For Your Offer (Remember to use your offer code)


Use code DAYTHREE for your offer.

Sessions to be used by 31 Dec 2025 or forfeited.

Sessions can be gifted.

More session information can be found here Work With Me https://www.lynnbutler.me/

Day Four. Twelve Days of Offerings.

On the fourth day of Yule, my Holistic Coach gave to me, a Soul Realignment Reading with a Follow Up Call.

Soul Realignment Readings are for you if you're feeling lost, disconnected, sensing that something is missing (although I suspect that it is not). Getting to know yourself on a Soul level is an enlightening and potentially transformational experience.

With some basic birth information, I will craft and create your reading. We will meet online to share your reading. Whist you try this new found wisdom and insight on for size, I may suggest some areas to ponder before we have a follow up call to talk through any questions, a-ha moments and how to move forward with with this renewed connection to self.

Reading Preparation.

1 Hour Online Call.

30 Mins Follow Up Call

£197 (Usually £297)

Click Here For Your Offer (Remember to use your offer code)


Offer valid 23 - 31 Dec 2024.

Use code DAYFOUR for your offer.

Sessions to be used by 30 June 2025 or forfeited.

More reading information can be found here https://www.lynnbutler.me/soulguidance

Day Five. Twelve Days of Offerings.

On the fifth day of Yule, my Holistic Coach gave to me, an opportunity for a month of online coaching.

I love to call this offering Soul Goals for Life + Business.

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, if there is a feeling of being meant for more maybe your soul is whispering to you and you're not wanting to do it on your own.

Are you ready to live life fully, on your terms? Without anxiety, stress or lack of direction? 

Are you more than ready for change?

Are you experiencing daily emotional struggles, experiencing anxiety or stress. Life is really getting you down on a daily basis?

Are you drifting from day to day with no clear plan, direction or vision for the future?

You may already know that you are really ready for change, but haven’t a clue where to start or what to do?

Perhaps you feel like you're failing as everyone else appears to have life figured out.

You are NOT alone, I absolutely guarantee this.

Your outside world has simply tipped in an unfavourable balance.

Your inner world has simply tried to send simple signs and nudges, but they have not been clear enough for you to hear or take action on.

The whispers are now loud, uncomfortable shouts in the form of physical aches and pains, low mood, lack of motivation and a constant thought trail of everything you are not.

These feelings may be amplified as you might run your own business or are unhappy in your work.

We are the sum of many parts.

A Holistic Coaching approach considers all that you are.

With all of my transformational tools, I can help you to define who you want to be and do.

We can look at energetic blocks and resistances that may be keeping you safe.

We''ll energetically create the future version of you and be open to road map to take you there with simply doable, daily actions.

Holistic Coaching

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique / Tapping)

Matrix Reimprinting

Energy Healing


Come play for a month, lets see what you are really about.

Calls are online and available Monday - Friday.

4x 1 HR weekly online calls for personal and / or business growth.

£197 (Usually £97 each session)

Click Here For Your Offer (Remember to use your offer code)


Use code DAYFIVE for your offer.

Sessions to be used by 30 June 2025 or forfeited.

More reading information can be found here https://www.lynnbutler.me/coaching

Day Six. Twelve Days of Offerings.

On the sixth day of Yule, my Holistic Coach gave to me, an opportunity for a whole month of remote support (on Whatsapp).

Similar in some ways to Soul Goals for Life + Business.

An 'Ask Me Anything' for a month.

This is a whole month of access to Lynn and her plethora of support tools.

Consider Lynn at the end of a message for your wins, wobbles and everything in between.

Whatever your want or need there will be a solution to be shared remotely.

This may be in the form of an oracle card reading, bespoke tapping videos, journal prompts, remote energy healing, meflexology techniques, holistic coaching and more.

An invitation to be supported in a way that is highly accessible and convenient for a busy bod, possibly being all things to all people.

This standalone offering is typically combined with coaching programmes, but lets have a play with it as an offering in it's own right.

£197 (Usually £400)

Click here for offer link (remember to use your code)


Use code DAYSIX for your offer.

To be used by 31 March 2025 or forfeited.

More information can be found here https://www.lynnbutler.me/coaching

Day Seven. Twelve Days of Offerings.

On the seventh day of Yule, my Holistic Coach gave to me, an offering of an Oracle Card Reading.

Oracle Card Readings can offer confirmation, clarity, direction amongst other guidance. The cards will only ever share what you already know on a deeper level, but give the external validation that we can sometimes seek.

Have a question in mind and allow the cards to support you.

Readings are live and online.

£47 (Usually £60 each reading)

Click here for offer (Remember to use offer code)


Use code DAYSEVEN for your offer.

To be used by 31 March 2025 or forfeited.

More information can be found here https://www.lynnbutler.me/soulguidance

Day Eight. Twelve Days of Offerings.

On the eighth day of Yule, my Holistic Coach gave to me, an opportunity for a whole Year of Define + Align monthly New & Full Moon Online Group Sessions.

A Year of Define & Align. Twice monthly online check ins, supported by the New & Full Moon. Create your life by design, not default. 24 online group sessions to check in with your road map, set the intentions and teeny, tiny doable daily actions with the New Moon. Confirm, course correct or redefine with each and every Full Moon. Sessions are recorded.

Sessions are on a Thursday 09:30 - 10:30 closest to the New or Full Moon.

£97 (Usually £11 each class)

Click here for offer (Remember to use your offer code)


Use code DAYEIGHT for your offer.

Valid throughout 2025

More information can be found here https://www.lynnbutler.me/events

Day Nine. Twelve Days of Offerings.

On the ninth day of Yule, my Holistic Coach gave to me, an opportunity for a rather marvellous Visioning Process with all of her manifesting processes and top tips!

Heard the story of when she plonked an image of a baby on a vision board and 2 weeks later conceived? The Visioning Process will support you in uncovering your desires, wishes and wants and create the mindset, energetic connection and doable daily actions to bring it all into your reality.

£27 (Usually £97)

Click Here For Offer (Remember to use your offer code)


Use code DAYNINE for your offer.

Self paced with life time access.

More information can be found here https://www.lynnbutler.me/vision

Day Ten. Twelve Days of Offerings.

On the tenth day of Yule, my Holistic Coach gave to me, an annual subscription to the Journal of Self Discovery.

Receive a daily email journal prompt to connect with your life compass, navigate your wins, wobbles and everything in between. Enjoy the journey home.

Journalling is for the soul as photographs are for the eyes.

£47 for the year (Usual fee £40 every quarter).

Click Here For Your Offer (Remember to use your offer code)


Use code DAYTEN for your offer.

Daily journal prompt straight to your email inbox.

More information can be found here https://www.lynnbutler.me/journaldiscovery

Day Eleven. Twelve Days of Offerings.

On the eleventh day of Yule, my Holistic Therapist gave to me, an opportunity to experience a whole year of remote group Reiki.

We all have the ability to tune into life force energy (Universal Energy). We do it without having to think about it. It's a natural law.

We can choose to amplify the connection with the energy through forms of Energy Healing.

I work with Reiki and Seichem energies. I see my role as a gardener, who helps to sort the twists, kinks and splits in the hose pipes that bring your Universal Energy to you and each of your Chakras. When the energy is flowing with ease, it can bring about a sense of peace, relaxed, renewed energies and much more.

To receive the energy, you simply allow yourself to relax in a comfortable, warm space.

£197 (Usually £27 monthly subscription)

Click Here For Your Offer (Remember to use your offer code)


Use code DAYELEVEN for your offer.

Sundays 8-9PM throughout 2025

More information can be found here https://www.lynnbutler.me/energyhealing

Day Twelve. Twelve Days of Offerings.

On the twelfth day of Yule, my Holistic Therapist gave to me, an opportunity to spend longer relaxing, being in my parasympathetic state of nothingness. Spending a smidge more time connecting with myself, gaining calm and clarity of thought.

Let's craft a bespoke combination of Reflexology, Facial Reflexology Therapy and Energy Healing for 2 whole hours of bliss.

£90 (Usually £120)

Click Here For Your Offer (Remember to use your offer code)


Use code DAYTWELVE for your offer.