Lynn and her partner Rich, had Olive when she was a mere 44.
The image on a vision board was only a part of the process. Tracing back the journey of wanting to have a family included an unforgettable session with Lynn's Holistic Coach, identifying the underlying story of being ready for a baby. Lynn also uncovered a previous 'letter to future self' sharing that she would be easily and effortlessly pregnant, opening and reading the letter when she was 7 months pregnant.
Having been an art student for years, and then having a career within the design industry. Creating vision and mood parts were a day-to-day part of the creative process.
Thoughts and ideas becoming things.
Switching her design career for one within wellbeing, Lynn's love of everything human, behaviour and potential, led her to study the new thought leaders of the early 20th century.
Her favourites being Wallace D. Wattles, Charles F Haanel, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Geneviève Behrend, Florence Scovel Shinn to name but a few and the more recent authors such as Bruce Lipton, Dr Joe Dispenza, Mary Morrissey, Lynne McTaggart, Wayne Dyer and Louise Hay.
Look around where you are currently are, every item was once a simple idea. Starting in either the minds eye or on paper, the thought or idea becomes a reality in 3D when it is created or crafted.
Who says this starts and finishes with the 'stuff'. Yes, it's easier to accept as you are very much part of the making process but without being too sciencey, the brain and heart have powerful electromagnetic forces which when played with, as part of the process align both your inner and outer worlds.
Delivered to you as a comprehensive digital PDF, you will be taken through a carefully crafted 8 step process to visioning.
Life may never be the same again.
Passionate, professional, caring, knowledgable, funny are some of the ways clients describe me in their feedback and reviews.
I'd tend to agree!
I absolutely love the work I get to do and so happy that it comes across. Doing what I do, being me. Walking and working with the path that presented itself nearly 20 years ago, when we lost Dad suddenly to bowel cancer.
Loving, living and learning. Experiencing this rollercoaster ride and playground that we call life. Navigating the wins, wobbles and everything in between.
The highs, the lows, falling off spectacularly and getting back up. Again and again and again.
I love life, and I love learning. The eternal student.
I am intuitive and take action confidently on inner wisdom, insights and nudges. My intutition goes by the name of Her Indoors. Sometimes, she shouts at me if I take too long to action the nudges.
I plonked an image of a baby on a vision board and two weeks later, conceived our daughter. Despite being discharged from our fertility consultant who shared we'd never have a family naturally because of my age. I was 44 when we had Olive.
I am embracing Menopause and all that comes with it. Transitioning into the next beautiful phase of my life. Giving less and less flying flip flops to the external factors in life, that I simply no longer want to give energy or time to.
My most used phrases are:
"No such thing as a coincidence".
"Thoughts become things - be careful what you wish for."
"If it's not a yes, then it's a no".
My path is support, guide and help. To Positively Affect Change in everything I think do and say.
I am Lynn. I love life, living and learning.
The Visioning Process is an easy 8 step process, Lynn has crafted through years of working within the design industry (mega vision boards), with a crossover into the wellbeing field. With a passion for understanding the processes and science behind thoughts becoming things, this easy to follow process will support you in creating a life that you are head over heels in love with.
One time payment of £97.
Delivered as a digital PDF for you to save or print.